
  1. Product Selection
  2. Price
  3. How To Order
  4. Customer Service
  5. Shipping
  6. Packaging
  7. My Experience
  8. Conclusion

Shark Mood is a company that markets Modafinil and Armodafinil, also referred to as the limitless drug. This review covers everything from their customer service to the shipping process, product selection, prices, and, most importantly, the quality and potency of their Modafinil products.

The question everyone wants the answer to: do their products work? Let's find out.

Product Selection

Shark Mood offers 4 different brands on its website, each with varying levels of potency.

You can choose between Armodafinil or Modafinil. Both have been studied extensively for their cognitive enhancement benefits. They are used to promote wakefulness, focus, and motivation almost immediately.

Modafinil (Modvigil / Modalert)

Modil and Modalert are two generic names for Modafinil – a nootropic that provides unparalleled cognitive enhancement much beyond the imagination of any conventional stimulant. Dubbed NZT in the popular movie ‘Limitless,' it became an instant hit in the mainstream and the scientific community alike.

The drug has been studied extensively and has been shown to boost cognitive performance, focus, and memory, all while reducing fatigue and drowsiness.

In 2012, even ABC News featured Provigil, which is essentially the same thing as Modafinil, highlighting its potential as a cognitive enhancer.

Watch it here:

Provigil Gets Its Debut on ABC News

Common side effects of Modafinil include headache, nausea, sweaty palms, and dry mouth. However, these are usually mild, and most people experience very few side effects.

Armodafinil and Artvigil are alternative options to Modafinil, which are similarly effective in amplifying brain function. However, they differ in chemical composition, dosages, and half-life, which means that they may have slightly different effects on an individual's brain chemistry.

Despite this variation, all three nootropics are renowned for being safer than Aspirin. In brief, these nootropics can provide an individual with an extra cognitive edge, which can help them achieve their goals effectively and efficiently.



Armodafinil is a stronger and longer-lasting stimulant compared to its sibling, Modafinil. It is sold under the generic names Waklert and Artvigil and is primarily recommended for experienced users who should exercise caution while using it. To ensure safe usage, it's important to start with a low dose and gradually increase it if needed.

Armodafinil can provide a significant boost in focus, energy, motivation, and productivity. It is known to assist in learning and problem-solving, making it an appealing choice for those seeking enhanced cognitive performance. The effects of Armodafinil can last up to 14 hours, so be sure to use it responsibly and understand your own limits.

By following proper usage guidelines, you can enjoy the benefits of Armodafinil without experiencing any negative side effects.


Shark Mood is a highly cost-effective supplement, with over 100 pills available for only $106 – working out to just $0.47-$1.58 per pill.

Plus, regular sales allow you to unlock 50% discounts or more, depending on the size of your order. For those using BitCoin, there are often even more discounts available.

For value, I rate Shark Mood a solid 9 out of 10. In my personal experience, the benefits you'll reap each day far outweigh the price tag. Once you've savored the positive impact one of these pills has on your life, you won't want to miss out on the opportunity for more.

How To Order

Ordering online with Shark Mood is very simple. They accept payment via Mastercard & American Express, BTC, ETH, and 36 other cryptocurrencies.

My transaction was confirmed within 20 minutes and received tracking details 24 hours later.

Customer Service

One of the benefits of using Shark Mood is customer service. 

Their support went above and beyond when they didn't have to. And it's not normal for other companies similar to Shark Mood. For example, after placing my order, there was a hold-up in Mumbai for more than 10 days.

I reached out to their support team about this. We exchanged several emails during this time, and they always got back to me on the same day.

They even contacted the local delivery service in India to put some pressure on USPS to scan and ship my package. It was honestly above and beyond what I expected.

At the time, they assured me of their replacement guarantee…so if your package is lost or seized, it's replaced at no additional cost.

I have provided a link to their FAQ section here for your convenience.


Our delivery estimate is approximately two weeks. To ensure the safe arrival of your package, we offer free seizure protection. In the unlikely event that your package is seized, Shark Mood offers delivery reshipment at no cost to you.

Their is fast, efficient, and discreet, meaning you can rest easy knowing your order is in good hands.

Learn more here:


The packaging was simple yet executed well, keeping all of the pills intact, held together by small green rubber bands. By the time I finally managed to open it, my excitement was off the charts.

My Experience

As a polyphasic sleeper, I used to wake up feeling refreshed after only three hours of sleep. However, since starting daily Armodafinil use, my napping ability has vanished, and I wake up tired. But once I take WakeAlert in the morning, my tiredness dissipates, and I feel well-rested and energized, as if I had slept for 12 hours.

Armodafinil's effects were apparent from day one, and after three sleep-deprived days, I became convinced of its potency. I constantly experienced a mental haze due to sleep deprivation, but my mind remained alert with racing thoughts and ideas.

Melatonin failed to help me sleep as if some external force kept me awake. With Shark Mood's Armodafinil, I experienced increased focus and concentration, even reading at 1500 words per minute. My motivation felt externally induced and compulsive, driving me to work nonstop.

My Brain on Shark Mood

Occasional headaches, a common Armodafinil side effect, required aspirin for relief, likely caused by my overactive neurons. I found that drinking plenty of water helped prevent this issue.

Every three to four days, I would take a 24-48 hour break, allowing my body to rest.


Overall, Shark Mood's product is highly effective and powerful. Exercise caution when using this potent compound, and remember to allow your body time to rest.

I rate both Shark Mood and WakeAlert as 5 out of 5 stars. Their affordability, diverse selection, excellent customer service, and enhanced focus and concentration provided by their products leave no room for improvement.

Place an order with Shark mood. You definitely won't regret it.

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