Sales: Funnels

Enhancing Sales Funnel Effectiveness through Strategic Questioning

Optimizing the Sales Funnel

Our strategy focuses on intensifying the analysis and enhancement of your sales funnel's resonance and effectiveness through a targeted, strategic approach.

#1. Schedule dedicated sessions for capturing insights. For in-house products, allocate two to four one-hour sessions. In a collaborative setting with a client, arrange two to three consecutive 60-minute Zoom meetings.

#2. Delve into the daily lives and psychographics of the target audience to create relatable and engaging headlines.

#3. Identify and leverage shared ethos and values for deeper emotional resonance with the audience.

Authentic Engagement and Value Articulation

#1. Share anecdotes and personal brand stories to boost authenticity and relatability.

#2. Challenge existing beliefs and offer pathways towards empowerment and self-forgiveness to enhance persuasion.

#3. Illustrate the commitment and positive impacts made or aspired towards the market avatar.

#4. Articulate broader impacts and visions for improving the world through the product or service.

#5. Highlight the unique value proposition and the tangible and intangible benefits of the product.

#6. Use contrast to accentuate the benefits of the product versus the absence of it in the consumers’ lives.

#7. Engage in advanced empathy exercises to deepen understanding and connection with the audience.

67 Golden Questions to Fuel Your Funnel

Section 2 – Everyday Psychographics


This data is used to start generating connection and display an understanding of their everyday life. Showing that you “get” their current reality and placing your sales arguments within that context increases their trust in your ability to transition them into a new one. These insights don’t necessarily have to be related to what you’re selling; they are used purely for building connection and rapport. The most effective way to invigorate your copy is by integrating it into the context of their daily experiences. Starting with small, specific details often proves to be more impactful, as the mundane aspects can resonate deeply. These observations serve as excellent material for crafting hyper-specific metaphors and similes, enabling you to create lively headlines and subheads that situate your sales narrative within a familiar, specific, and vividly dimensionalized reality.

Section 2 – Everyday Psychographics

For example, compare the impact of a simple question to a more vivid and context-rich proposition:

  • Why aren’t you making more sales?


  • So why aren’t you igniting your happy hormones with heaping doses of grass-fed butter, rolling in PayPal notifications, and blast-looping Beethoven’s fifth through your Bose headphones?

1. Typical Morning Routine

  • What does their typical morning look like: Do they drive? Take an Uber? What are they listening to? Through what kind of headphones? What are they drinking? Out of a mug or thermos? What apps are they checking — are they loading up Skype or Zoom? Spotify or iTunes, waiting for an apple update?

2. Seinfeld Moments

  • What are their “Seinfeld Moments”? Those little everyday annoyances they encounter: The slow walker, the person who takes forever to order at Starbucks, the jerk who uses his Macy’s bag to reserve the last free table before ordering, the moment you feel unfairly obligated to respond to a fb message or iMessage because it’s marked as “read”, etc.

3. Night Routine

  • What does their night routine look like? Pretending to meditate, sipping lavender tea, reading 10 pages of the latest self-help bestseller Oprah recommended before their eyes give out?

4. Media Consumption

  • What books/shows/media are they likely to be consuming right now? Netflix, House of Cards before Spacey ruined that for everybody, Stranger Things, The Four Hour Workweek for the 15th time hoping they’ll actually apply it, CNN, The Food Channel, etc.

Section 3 – Charged Up Ethosgraphics

These elements are used to evoke stronger emotions, take a stand, and invite the audience to align with a particular ethos, potentially polarizing in nature to either strengthen bonds with your readers or repel them.

1. Sources of Discontent

  • What are they TIRED of seeing? What makes them sick? For example, marketing gurus with hyped-up promises and rented Lamborghinis.

2. Resonating Values

  • What is it about the way you run your business or your program that will resonate with their personal values? Like Ramit Sethi advocating against incurring credit card debt.

3. Inspirational Aspects

  • How does your tribe inspire you to be better?

4. Protective Measures

  • What do you REFUSE to let them be exposed to or endure anymore?

5. Standing Together

  • In what other areas can you take a stand with them (or for them)? Consider where competitors or common conventions have failed them and left them disillusioned.

6. Confirming Suspicions

  • What suspicions/conspiracies/fallacies can you confirm for them?

7. Common Enemies

  • What (or who) are your common enemies?

Section 4 – About your RELATIONSHIP to your avatar

This content, while not fitting into a specific section, when woven throughout your copy, fosters intimacy, transparency, and trust. It's also useful for sparking email hooks and stories to integrate into your copy or enrollment conversations.

1. Core Motivation

  • Why do you do what you do?

2. Empathy for Struggles

  • What is it about your audience’s struggles that breaks your heart?

3. Vision for the Audience

  • What reality do you see for them — that they don’t yet see for themselves? Do you have an example of that?

4. Pain of Unfulfilled Potential

  • What pains you most about their inability to see that potential?

5. Learning from Failures

  • What was your biggest FAILURE as a coach/educator/program creator? How do you feel you let that market down? And what did you learn from that experience? What vows did you make from that moment?

6. Gratifying Experiences

  • What’s the most GRATIFYING or FULFILLING experience you’ve had as a coach/educator/program creator?

7. Unexpected Impacts

  • How did that experience exceed your expectations – and maybe open your eyes to a deeper impact you didn’t even know you were making?

8. Depth of Commitment

  • How deep is your commitment to serving this market? How have you re-engineered your own life to create that impact? What have you sacrificed or given up in the name of that mission?

9. Learning from the Market

  • What have YOU learnt from your market? How have they inspired you?

10. Vision for a Better World

  • The world will be a better place when __

Section 5 – Your Avatar’s Perceived (or Real) Limitations

This section plays a crucial role in addressing objections and misconceptions in your Sales Page's “Slaughtering the Sacred Cows” segment.

1. Common Excuses

  • What’s the biggest excuse your avatar makes for having NOT achieved a favorable outcome yet?

2. Excuse Validation

  • How might that excuse be justified? How can you validate that excuse?

3. Overcoming Limitations

  • What is it about you or your method that overcomes that limitation?

4. Competitor Comparison

  • How do your biggest competitors fall short in overcoming it?

5. Industry Misconceptions

  • What is a false belief they have about the industry?

6. Self-Doubt

  • About themselves and their ability or capacity to achieve it?

7. Solution Misconceptions

  • About the best way to solve the problem or achieve the outcome?

8. Positive Timing

  • Why might it be a GOOD thing that they’ve waited until now? Do you have an example to back that up?

9. Overcoming Objections

  • List the 3-5 biggest objections they might have around forging ahead with your product? And for each, explore how you can create comfort and ease around it?

Section 6 – Exclusive Empowerment & Self-Forgiveness

This section focuses on identifying the unique factors that position your prospect to succeed and how past challenges can be reframed as stepping stones to their current and future achievements.

1. Unique Empowerment Factors

  • What skills, characteristics, experiences, circumstances, or points of pride, exclusively empower your prospect to achieve the end result?

2. Forgiveness of Past Mistakes

  • What missteps, regrets, or sunk costs might they need to forgive themselves for BEFORE being willing to change?

3. Reframing Failures

  • How can any of those previous failures be re-framed as necessary steps or prerequisites for where they are now? How can you alchemize that misfortune into something useful?

Section 7 – “The Neck Brace” Moments

“Neck brace moments” are instances that deeply resonate with your prospect, making them feel understood and validated. These moments build strong trust and connection between you and your audience.

1. Confirmation of Experience

  • What can you confirm to them about their present experience/struggle as it relates to the problem your product solves?

2. Importance of Resolution

  • What can you confirm to them about WHY solving this really matters in their life?

3. Acknowledgment of Skepticism

  • What can you confirm to them about their skepticisms and reasons for being rightfully skeptical?

4. Points of Disillusionment

  • Where have they been MOST let down or disillusioned?

Section 8 – About Your Product

This section is pivotal for illustrating how your product functions as a “magic wand” for your prospects, delivering transformative outcomes and benefits at various levels.

1. Magic Wand Moment

  • What is the main magic wand moment or outcome your product can deliver?

2. Core Importance

  • Why is this important to your prospect? Or, why is it what they REALLY need?

3. Deeper Significance

  • One level deeper, WHY does that matter?

4. Fundamental Impact

  • And if you can go even deeper, why does THAT last one matter?

5. New Opportunities

  • What new opportunities will arise as a result? How do we frame this as a push goal, that opens them up to new favorable opportunities? How can we connect this outcome to other important wants?

6. Intangible Benefits

  • What other intangible or unexpected problems does buying your product solve? For example, freeing them from “the search” for a solution, or giving them the confidence to double down – knowing that they’re getting an ROE (return on effort).

7. Four Levels of Benefits

  • What are the 4 Levels of Benefits they’ll experience using your product:
  • LEVEL 1 (Immediate/Tangible)
  • LEVEL 2 (Immediate/Emotional)
  • LEVEL 3 (Long-Term/Tangible)
  • LEVEL 4 (Long Term/Emotional)

Section 9 – Parallel Realities/Divergent Roads

This section aids in crafting the narrative for your sales closes, particularly in illustrating the “Risk Mitigator” and “Divergent Paths” scenarios, by contrasting the potential futures with and without your product.

Success with Your Program

  • In vivid detail, what does “success” in your program look like in 3 days from today?
  • 3 weeks?
  • 3 months?
  • 12 months?

Life without Your Product

  • In vivid detail, what would their life look like 3 days from now if they DON’T buy your product?
  • 3 weeks?
  • 3 months?
  • 12 months?

Section 10 – Advanced Empathy Exercises

This section is dedicated to delving deep into the psychological and emotional landscape of your prospect, enhancing empathy and understanding to craft a message that resonates on a profound level.

Visualization Exercise 1: MOHT (Moment of Highest Tension)

  • Where are they judging themselves most critically?
  • What can’t they accept/tolerate in themselves?
  • What would they be most embarrassed by if their peers saw or knew?
  • Where have they failed to meet their own expectations? The expectations of others?

Bonus Questions for the Moment of Highest Tension and Subcutaneous Wound on the “Launch Bible”

Visualization Exercise 2: The Perfect Testimonial – MOHP(T)

Details not provided but implied to focus on envisioning the ideal testimonial reflecting the program's impact.

Visualization Exercise 3: The Mic-Stand Moment – MOHP(T)

This exercise likely involves picturing a defining moment of public recognition or success for the prospect.

Imagining a moment of celebration that signifies a significant achievement or milestone for the prospect.

Visualization Exercise 5: The “Million Dollar Bet” (PFYI Close)

Envisioning a scenario where the prospect is so confident in achieving success with your help that they would bet a million dollars on it.