How To Do a Recap


Effective Use of Recaps in Training Videos

Welcome to this segment of our training program where we discuss the importance of recaps in video content and how they can greatly enhance the educational value of your material. In previous modules, David and I have covered various frameworks to engage your audience effectively. From captivating hooks at the beginning of your videos to inspiring calls to action (CTAs) at the end, our aim is to provide comprehensive guidance on creating impactful content.

The Role of Recaps Before the Call to Action

One critical element that often precedes the call to action is the recapitulation, or simply, the recap. A strategic recap serves as a reminder of the key points or value delivered throughout the video. It's an opportunity to reinforce what the audience has learned, ensuring that the main takeaways are fresh in their minds before you invite them to take the next step.

Demonstrating a Recap

To better understand the process of recapping, let's dive into an illustrative example. Assume you've created a video titled “Top Three Reasons to Visit Italy,” here's how you might structure it:

  1. Start with an Engaging Hook:

    You begin by drawing in viewers with an intriguing statement or question about why Italy is a must-visit destination.
  2. Detail Your Key Points:

    First Reason – The Cuisine: Explain in detail why Italian food is unparalleled, sharing personal anecdotes about pizza, pasta, and other delights.
  3. Engage in the Recap:

    After thoroughly presenting your reasons, before segueing to the CTA, you encapsulate the essence of your video:

    “To quickly recap, the reasons to love Italy include the exceptional food, the wonderful people, and the awe-inspiring history.”

  4. Transition to the Call to Action:

    Now that the audience has been reminded of the video's value proposition, you effortlessly move into the CTA, prompting viewers to explore more by clicking a link or following another directive.
  5. Second Reason – The People:

    Describe your experiences with the warm and kind-hearted Italian locals.
  6. Third Reason – The History:

    Bring the audience on a journey through Italy's rich history and marvels, like the Colosseum.

The Recap Strategy

As demonstrated, recaps are powerful tools within your video structure. They help solidify the information shared and maximize the impact of your CTA. To masterfully implement this strategy, remember:

– Recap the essential points briefly and clearly.
– Use recaps to underscore the value provided to the audience.
– Transition smoothly from the recap to your call to action.


The technique of recapping is simple yet profoundly effective in reinforcing the primary messages of your video and preparing your audience for a compelling call to action. Keep these tips in mind, and use recaps to your advantage to create memorable and persuasively structured videos.

Thank you for following along in this instruction on recaps. Look forward to our upcoming sessions where we'll continue to refine your video content creation skills.

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