Conquering Your Anxiety and Going Live


Overcoming Nerves: Transforming Anxiety into Fuel for Your Live Presentations


Welcome to our training module on managing nerves and turning anxiety into a positive driving force for your live presentations. This guide is crafted to build upon the skills you've developed in our previous lessons, ushering in a new level of preparation, rehearsal, and confidence that will significantly diminish your pre-performance anxiety. Remember, your ultimate goal is to add tremendous value to your audience's lives by addressing their pain points, sparking inspiration, and offering practical tools to enhance their lives.

Understanding Nerves and Excitement

It's natural to have pre-live jitters. For some, it manifests as a pounding heart or trembling hands; for others, it's a rush of adrenaline that may even lead to physical reactions such as a rash. But rest assured, these feelings are not only conquerable but also convertible into dynamic energy for your live sessions.

Reframing Your Mindset

To start, you must reorient your thoughts from fear of embarrassment to the anticipation of helping your audience. Remember the customer research you've diligently conducted? You’re well-armed with insights into your audience's needs and expectations, equipping you to shift from a fear-based mindset to one of service and support.

Nerves vs. Excitement Processing

Your brain processes nerves and excitement quite similarly. If you interpret those stomach butterflies as dread, you'll experience anxiety. Conversely, if you label those same sensations as excitement — the thrill of going live — you'll translate them into positive adrenaline.

Practical Tip:

Verbally reinforce your enthusiasm. Statements like, “I am excited for this interview,” or “I'm thrilled to provide value,” can have a transformative effect. Initially, it might feel like you're ‘faking it,' but this positive self-talk reinforces the desired emotional state. Trust that with practice, this technique will become increasingly effective.

Techniques to Harness Your Nervous Energy

Even experienced performers like us—David and Abbey—feel that familiar nervousness before going live or stepping onto a set. But instead of fearing it, we've learned to rely on it. That energy can make our performances resonate more vibrantly with authenticity and passion.

Centering Yourself

One method we frequently employ to channel our nervous energy productively is centering exercises. You can do this by:

  • Closing your eyes and taking several deep breaths.
  • Engaging in a brief meditation session.

Implementing these practices can help ground you, bringing a sense of calm focus before you step into the spotlight.

Embracing Imperfections

It's crucial to recognize that perfection is not the objective. Even with thorough preparation, mistakes can occur, and that’s perfectly okay. Stumbling over a word or losing your train of thought isn't a failing; instead, it humanizes you and makes you more relatable to your audience.

Remember, the bloopers and candid moments we've shared in our course videos haven't detracted from their value—they've enhanced it, highlighting our authenticity and approachability.


Keep in mind that mastering the art of live presentation performance is a journey. With each live session, you'll find it easier to convert nerves into excitement, to ground yourself in the moment, and to embrace imperfections along the way.

By adhering to these strategies and remembering that your primary mission is to serve and support your audience, you will not only deliver great content but also do so with an infectious energy and relatability that truly resonates with viewers.

Continue practicing, refining your skills, and most importantly, remember to enjoy the ride. Your growth as an engaging and effective live presenter is just beginning.

Table of Contents

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